<% ' LEGAL WARNING: This is to inform that all codes, logics, database designs etc used ' in this software are completely owned by ARM Fintech Consultants (P) Ltd. and this ' full code set-up has been patented and registered under intellectual property rights. ' Any unauthorised alteration, changes or attempt to copy these codes is a criminal act ' and will be punishable as per the rules of law. The company reserves the right to ' decide the quality and quantity of penalty under the given legal rules. ' ################################################################################### ' Alteration to the code will immediately result in the termination of your software ' warranty ' ################################################################################### %> <%Option Explicit const CurrentPageDef = "PortfolioTracker"%> <% Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache" Response.Expires = -1 %> <%SetPageState%> Contact Form
<% Dim Investor_Name, Investor_Add1, Investor_Add2, Investor_Add3 Dim Investor_State, Investor_Pin, Investor_DOB, Investor_MOBILE, Investor_Email, Investor_Msg Dim Investor_Login, Investor_Pass, Thanks_Msg %> <%IF SysApp_FormErrorMsg <> "" THEN%> <%END IF%> <%IF Thanks_Msg <> "Success" or Thanks_Msg = "" THEN%>
" type="text" placeholder="Your Name" required>
" type="text" onBlur="validateEmail(this);" placeholder="Your Email" required>
" type="text" onKeyPress="return isNumberKey(event)" maxlength="10" placeholder="Your Mobile" required>
Refresh Code
Thank you for contacting Us

We will contact you shortly.
Your co-operation is requested in the interim.
<%END IF%>