<% ' LEGAL WARNING: This is to inform that all codes, logics, database designs etc used ' in this software are completely owned by ARM Fintech Consultants (P) Ltd. and this ' full code set-up has been patented and registered under intellectual property rights. ' Any unauthorised alteration, changes or attempt to copy these codes is a criminal act ' and will be punishable as per the rules of law. The company reserves the right to ' decide the quality and quantity of penalty under the given legal rules. ' ################################################################################### ' Alteration to the code will immediately result in the termination of your software ' warranty ' ################################################################################### %> <%Option Explicit const CurrentPageDef = "PortfolioTracker"%> <% Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache" Response.Expires = -1 %> <%SetPageState%> VRV Investments
Disclaimer :
www.future-indian.com is an online website of Future India Investor Services who is registered vide ARN-143638 as a AMFI registered Mutual Fund Distributor. The said website is intends to provide educative and informative details related to investments and also provide online transaction facility in Mutual Funds. We do not charge any fees for these calculators and information, because we earn our commissions from the Mutual Fund companies. The website does not guarantee any returns or financial goal success by any means.