% ' LEGAL WARNING: This is to inform that all codes, logics, database designs etc used ' in this software are completely owned by ARM Fintech Consultants (P) Ltd. and this ' full code set-up has been patented and registered under intellectual property rights. ' Any unauthorised alteration, changes or attempt to copy these codes is a criminal act ' and will be punishable as per the rules of law. The company reserves the right to ' decide the quality and quantity of penalty under the given legal rules. ' ################################################################################### ' Alteration to the code will immediately result in the termination of your software ' warranty ' ################################################################################### %> <%Option Explicit const CurrentPageDef = "PortfolioTracker"%> <% Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache" Response.Expires = -1 %> <%SetPageState%>
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